Thursday, February 24, 2011

And I thought bf3 was going to be bad.

Upon watching the new elder scrolls trailer today, It seems like the folks down at Bethesda have been some busy little bees. This newest trailer resonates with ideas of beowulfean mythos throuought. From the snowy setting, to the viking-esque language, we can almost be sure of where their inspiration came from. That being said, there is no way that I will not be buying this game. Bethesda has me in their grasp.

Check the trailer out for yourself at



    Check that out. Bethesda, love their games, but not that much. Follow me back

  2. Yeah, I played roughly 300 hours of oblivion, and probably more than that of morrowind over the years, Skrim will probably ruin my life, no doubt.

  3. i saw this trailer earlier today. it looks pretty sweet. I loved the whole series of the game and cant wait to see this one come out.

  4. this game is gonna be sick no doubt. just hope we don't all get too sucked in.

  5. Its just a really great game! I should play it sometime...
